Work in progress
It's been two months since I created this new site, and I think it's time to update you on the projects I'm working on.
While I continue to sell botanical illustrations in my online shop, I'm moving forward with my research on the theme of the inner child, which you can see here.
I started this new series a year ago, and over time it has matured with me into something that, from my point of view, is more intuitive and appreciable. The research has in fact moved from almost mythological images to atmospheres reminiscent of childhood such as the magical worlds of fairy tales and the games I played with my siblings growing up.
This theme, which comes from a direct experience of my childhood and which still leads me to fantasize about my desires from that time, continues to develop every time I see a landscape, a child playing, or a vintage illustration of some fairy tale, allowing me to perceive things with a new curiosity.
My interest in this theme was born following a long journey to accept parts of myself with which I have difficulty interacting, one of which is specifically that of the inner child.
There is still a long way to go, but surely representing this part of me helps to give a new nuance to my way of interacting with it and interpreting its messages. Looking at these paintings I would like to take the viewer back to a world that we often forget once we are adults, namely the fairytale world, the one of dreams from which we have separated, the world of wonder.
Do you ever think of something from your childhood that you had forgotten? How did this make you feel? I’d love to hear about your experience - feel free to write me at
Thank you!